Transferring Claim Balances to the Patient

To help increase cash flow and reduce your receivables, you can transfer outstanding insurance balances back to the patient. Any claims that can be submitted to a secondary insurance plan are sent to the insurance claim batch file. Any claim balances covered only by the primary insurance become the patient’s responsibility.

If you plan to transfer any outstanding claim balances over 90 days, run the Outstanding Claims by Patient report to generate a list of all patients whose claim balances are overdue by 90 days or more.

To transfer a claim balance:

  1. Select Insurance > Transfer Balance of Old Claims to Patient. The Transfer Old Insurance Claims To Patients window is displayed.

  2. To delete claims that are older than a specific number of days, type the number in the Transfer claims older than… field and click OK. The number of days defaults to 60.  A message is displayed that asks you to confirm the balance transfer.

  3. Click Yes. When all transfers are complete, the Transfer Claims Totals window is displayed.  A message is displayed that asks whether to print the transfer log file.

  4. Click Yes. A message is displayed that asks you to print or delete the file.

  5. Select the appropriate option.