Setting Video Capture Options

You can acquire color images using digital cameras, scanners, intraoral cameras, or from a file on disk.

Before attempting to set video capture options:Before attempting to set video capture options:Install a video board, any related software, an intraoral camera, and (optional) a foot pedal. If you capture video files, make sure your destination drive has enough free space to store your images.

To set video capture options:

  1. On any tab in the Chart for window, select Video > Options. The Video Capture/Display Properties window is displayed.

  2. Select the video card to use when receiving live video from the Video Source section.

  3. If you use the 1000 intraoral video camera, version USB 2, to capture images, select No Video Interface from the Video Source section then use the dental imaging system to operate the camera.

  1. Click Device Options and set the options for the device.

  2. Select an option:

  3. To save the image and restart live video:To save the image and restart live video:Select When capturing an image automatically save the image and restart live video.

  4. To pause the video capture after the image is captured:To pause the video capture after the image is captured:Select When capturing an image freeze the display. After saving or discarding the frozen image, restart live video. When this option is selected, you must save or discard the image before resuming.

  5. To capture live video images in a separate window:To capture live video images in a separate window:Select Capture images in separate window.

  1. Select the path for the image storage drive that stores the captured images from this workstation from the Image Storage Drive (for this workstation) drop-down list. You can also click Add New Location to add the path.

  1. Select an option:

  2. To display images with the same height and weight ratio:To display images with the same height and weight ratio:Select Maintain Aspect Ratio.

  3. To display the image by actual size when it is initially loaded:To display the image by actual size when it is initially loaded:Select Show Images in Actual Size on Initial Load. This option is enabled only if Maintain Aspect Ratio is selected.

  4. To display thumbnail images at the bottom of the Patient List and Patient windows when scrolling through patient records:To display thumbnail images at the bottom of the Patient List and Patient windows when scrolling through patient records:Select Load image thumbnails while scrolling patients.

  5. To have the software monitor a patient's image storage drive for new temporary 3D volume folders:To have the software monitor a patient's image storage drive for new temporary 3D volume folders:Select Scan for 3D Temporary Volumes.

  6. If you are using XRayVision software to control the location of images on the hard drive:If you are using XRayVision software to control the location of images on the hard drive:Select XRay Vision Manages Images.

  7. To enable the video capturing application to look for new images in the image storage drive among all networked computers when it is launched:To enable the video capturing application to look for new images in the image storage drive among all networked computers when it is launched:Select Scan for new patient images at video startup.

  1. Select the default image storage type for your document images from the Document Images drop-down list.

  2. Select the default image storage type for your dental images from the Dental Images drop-down list.

  3. Drag the slider to the correct compression level for documents and dental images in the Compression section.

  4. If you are using ViperSoft, select the default mode and startup command from the drop-down lists.

  5. To click an image and deselect an annotation, select Deselect Annotations.

  6. If you use DenTelVision, type the installation path in the Installation Path field. You can also click Browse to search for and select a path.

  7. Select the default template to use when LayOut mode is displayed in the Clinical Imaging tab of the Chart for window from the Default Template drop-down list.

  8. To set digital camera options, click Digital Camera Options.

  9. Type the directory from which digital images are imported in the Digital Camera Import Directory field.

  10. To delete selected images from the camera after importing them, select Delete selected images from camera after importing.

  11. Click OK.


To save space on the hard drive, compress image files. The greater the compression, the lower the quality of the image.