Treatment Planning > Running Treatment Plan Reports
The Treatment Plan Summary report summarizes treatment plan information. The report tells you how many treatment plans are in your database, their cash value, the number and percentage of those plans that have been accepted and their cash value, the number and percentage of treatment plans scheduled, and how many plans are insurable or need pre-authorization.
To generate the treatment plan summary:
Select Reports > Practice Management > Treatment Plan Reports > Summary. The Output Options window is displayed.
Select the output and click OK. The Treatment Plan Summary Report Setup window is displayed.
In the Dates section, click the drop-down arrows to select the starting and ending date range from a calendar.
Select an option:
To restrict the report to a specific provider:To restrict the report to a specific provider:
To include inactive patients in the report:To include inactive patients in the report:
Click OK.
The report contains the following information:
Number of Planned Treatments—Number of treatment plan transactions posted.
Value of Planned Treatments—Total dollar amount of all treatment plan transactions posted.
Number Accepted by Patients—Number of treatment plan transactions marked as accepted.
Value Accepted by Patients—Total dollar amount of all treatment plan transactions marked as accepted.
Value NOT Yet Accepted—Total dollar amount of all treatment plan transactions not marked as accepted.
Percent Accepted—Patient accepted = Number accepted by patients divided by Number of Planned Treatments.
Number Currently Scheduled—Number of treatment plan transactions that have been scheduled.
Percent of Accepted Scheduled—Percent of Accepted Scheduled = Number currently scheduled divided by Number accepted by patients.
Number Insurable—Number of treatment plan transactions posted to insured patients.
Number Pre-Authorized—Number of insurable treatment plan transactions that have a payment posted against the claim.
Percent Pre-Authorized—Percent Pre-Authorized = Number preauthorized divided by Number insurable.