Previewing and Printing Statements

While previewing paper and Automated Statements, you can exclude accounts, edit account information, and add notes.

To preview and print statements:

  1. To preview Automated Statements, select Reports > Accounting > Statements > Electronic > Electronic Batch Preview. The Electronic Statements window is displayed.

    To preview paper statements, select Reports > Accounting > Statements > Paper > Statement Preview. The Paper Statements window is displayed.

  2. Select the starting and ending names to include in the report using the drop-down lists in the Start and End fields.

  3. Select from the following options:

  4. To apply a different billing charge to overdue accounts:To apply a different billing charge to overdue accounts:Type the amount in the Billing Charge Setup section.

  5. To apply a different finance charge to overdue accounts:To apply a different finance charge to overdue accounts:Type the amount in the Finance Charge Setup section.

  6. To itemize transactions for a specific number of days:To itemize transactions for a specific number of days:Type the number in the Transaction Detail Setup section.

  7. To specify the maximum number of pages to send when using eClaims:To specify the maximum number of pages to send when using eClaims:Select Not to exceed and type the maximum number of pages to send.

    To avoid the additional page charge for electronic statements, type 1 to minimize the number of statement pages sent to the clearinghouse.

  8. To include only accounts owing more than a specific amount:To include only accounts owing more than a specific amount:Type the amount in the Send for amount due greater than or equal to _ dollars field.

  9. To include only accounts with a specific user code:To include only accounts with a specific user code:Type the user code in the Only include Accounts with field.

  10. To exclude accounts with a specific user code:To exclude accounts with a specific user code:Type the code in the Exclude field.

  11. Accounts containing C, I, L, and N user codes are not included in report results.

  1. To generate statements for a specific provider, select the provider identification number.

  2. To include a message, type it in the Statement Message field.

  3. Click OK. The Electronic Statements List or Paper Statements List window is displayed.

  1. Select from the following options:

  2. To sort the list by account name, account balance, or amount due:To sort the list by account name, account balance, or amount due:Click the column label.

  3. To exclude a statement:To exclude a statement:Deselect the option in the Account Name column.

  4. To display the additional information:To display the additional information:Select the account. The information is displayed in the Additional Information section.

  5. To display account user codes attached to the account:To display account user codes attached to the account:Select the account. Any account user codes attached to the account are displayed in the bottom-left corner of the window.

  6. To include a statement note:To include a statement note:Select the account and type the note in the Personalized Statement Note for Selected Account field.

  1. To edit account information, select the account and click Edit Acct. The Account window is displayed. Edit the record and click OK.

  2. Select from the following options:

  1. To preview statements for specific accounts:To preview statements for specific accounts:Click Preview.

  2. To preview statements for all accounts:To preview statements for all accounts:Click Preview All.

  3. To print statements:To print statements:Click Print.


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