Selecting Teeth

To chart any ADA procedure or tooth condition, select the procedure or condition and select the tooth, teeth, surface, or surfaces with the mouse, light pen, or touch-screen. If a graphical representation is associated with the procedure or condition, it is displayed on the tooth.

If the Use Pointing Device option is selected in the Chart Options Properties window and you are charting a procedure that requires a surface; you must point to or select the surface when selecting a tooth.

Example:Example:To chart an amalgam, you must select a tooth surface with your input device—selecting the tooth or the root will not chart the procedure.

If the Use Pointing Device option is not selected in the Chart Options Properties window, the Tooth window is displayed. In this window, you must select the tooth surface or quadrant to chart the procedure or condition.

Example:Example:When you click a tooth to chart an amalgam, the Tooth window is displayed. To chart the procedure, you must select the appropriate surface.

Procedures requiring the following can only be applied to one tooth at a time:

Conditions can be applied to multiple teeth. You cannot select multiple teeth in perio mode.


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