Posting Returned Checks

If a check posted to an account is returned due to insufficient funds, you can post the returned check and any fees.

To post a returned check:

  1. To post a returned check from the Payments window, select Adjustment in the Select Operation section. The Payments - Make an Adjustment window is displayed. 0 is displayed in the Code drop-down list.

  2. Select an adjustment to collections code (codes 30.00 — 39.89) to increase the account’s balance and decrease the provider collections for the amount of the returned check credit from the Code drop-down list.

  3. You can also post a charge for the returned check (codes 61.00 — 90.89).

  1. Type the check amount in the Amount column for the transaction.

  2. To add a note, select the Notes column for the transaction, and type the information.

  3. Click Post.

  4. Click Close.