Using the Recurring Credit Card Payment Details Window

The Recurring Credit Card Payment Details window enables you to view and sort the payments from your practice’s credit card payment plans, based on the date range and option filters you select.

Sample Report

To use the Recurring Credit Card Payment Details window:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Select Reports > Accounting > Recurring Credit Card Details.

  3. Click the Recurring Credit Card Payments header in Practice Central.

The Recurring Credit Card Payment Details window is displayed.

  1. In the Display Credit Card Payments section, type a date range in the From Date and To Date fields, or click the arrows to select the dates from a calendar.

  2. Click Update.

  3. Select additional options at the bottom of the window to display additional payments.

To help you differentiate between the various credit card payment status types, payments are displayed in several colors, and the Status column lists the associated status codes.

  1. Double-click a payment in the list.

  2. If the payment is part of an account or patient payment plan, the Recurring Credit Card Payment—CC Payment window is displayed.

  3. If the payment is part of a patient or account budget plan, the Patient Budget Plan—CC Payment window or Account Budget Plan—CC Payment window is displayed.

See Reviewing and Editing Payments in a Credit Card Payment Plan for information on editing credit card payments.

  1. To print the Recurring Credit Card Payments report, click Print. The Output Options window is displayed. Select an output option and click OK.

The contents of the Recurring Credit Card Payments report depend on the settings you made in the Recurring Credit Card Payment Details window. Example: