Running the New Account List Report

The New Account List report generates a list of new patients with their first visit date within a specific date range. It includes patient ID, name, address, phone number, and the date of their first scheduled visit. You can set criteria to only show results from a specific date range, or set up criteria to compare results between two date ranges. Also, the report can generate all patient and/or doctor referral information.

Sample Report

To run the New Account List report:

  1. Select Reports > Account > First Visit. The Output Options window is displayed.

  2. Select an output and click OK. The New Account List Report window is displayed.

  3. In the Date Range of First Visit section, click the drop-down arrows to select the starting and ending dates from a calendar.

  4. In the Comparison Range section, click the drop-down arrows to select a past date range to compare with the results from the date range selected in the Date Range of First Visit section.

  5. In the Provider section, click the drop-down arrow to select the provider number from a list, or leave the first provider set to 999 to report on all providers.

  6. Click the Include Referral Information option to include all doctor and/or patient referral information in the report.

  7. Click the Compare Date Ranges option to compare the date ranges you have selected.

  1. You must set up the past date range in the Comparison Range section.

  1. Deselect Include Color/Shading if you do not want shading on the report.

  2. If you selected the Merge Letter Expert output option, the Letter Expert Template ID field is active. Click the drop-down arrow to select a template from the list.

  3. Click OK.