Moving a Patient to Another Account

You can move a patient to a new or existing account. You can also move all or a portion of the patient balance; however, you cannot move a patient with an outstanding insurance balance. Appointments, contact notes, and history files are transferred with patient data to the new or existing account.

To move a patient to a new or existing account:

  1. Select an option:

  2. From the List menu:

  3. In the Power Bar:

  4. In the Account List or Account window:

  5. In the InOffice window:

  6. In any window:

  1. Select Move Patient from the Options section of the Express bar or the Options menu. A message is displayed.

  2. To move the patient, click Yes. A message is displayed.

  3. Select an option:

  4. To move the patient to a new account:

  5. To move the patient to an existing account:

An underscore is added to the end of the patient’s first name (example: Sam_) to indicate that the record is moved. The old patient record is displayed after the new record when records are displayed alphabetically in the Patient List window. The date the record is moved and the new patient account identification number are displayed in the Notes field of the patient record.

I is displayed in the User Codes field of the Patient window when the old record is displayed to indicate that it is inactive. Inactive records are not included in reports.