Setting Up Insurance > Running Insurance Reports > Running Insurance Practice Management Reports
The Medicaid Wrap Reconciliation Report lists Medicaid services provided during a given time period, as required by some states' Medicaid offices.
To run the Medicaid Wrap Reconciliation Report:
Select Reports > Practice Management > Insurance Reports > Medicaid Wrap Reconciliation. The Output Options window is displayed.
Select the output option and click OK. The Medicaid Wrap Reconciliation Setup window is displayed.
In the Date Range section, click the drop-down arrows to select the date of service range from a calendar.
In the Plan ID section, click the drop-down arrows to select the insurance plan.
Do not leave this field as zero. You must select a Medicaid insurance plan.
In the Doctors section, use the drop-down arrows to select specific providers, or leave 999 to report on all providers.
Click OK.
This report will not run unless you specify a valid Medicaid insurance plan ID.
Information on this report includes:
Billing Provider NPI -- the practice's National Provider ID
Billing Provider Medicaid ID -- the practice's state Medicaid ID
Rendering Provider Medicaid ID -- the claim's treating doctor's state ID
Member First Name -- the patient's first name
Member Last Name -- the patient's last name
MCO Member ID -- the patient's Medicaid ID
Name of MCO Billed -- the insurance company name
Date of Service -- the claim's date of service
Procedure Code -- displays T1015, the HCPCS clinic visit/encounter all-inclusive code
Date Payment Received from MCO -- the date on which the claim has been paid
MCO Paid Amount -- the claim's paid amount
Other Primary Insurance Paid Amount -- the amount paid by a primary insurance carrier
The total of all MCO Paid Amounts and Other Primary Insurance Paid Amounts is also given.