Setting Letter Expert Preferences

Use the letter expert preferences to dictate how quickly data merges with the template. This enables you to merge all fields, lists, and images to templates without looking at the data, or to stop the process before each merge to make minor adjustments to the template or data.

To set letter expert preferences:

  1. Select Expert > Letter Expert > Letter Expert Preferences. The Letter Expert Preferences window is displayed.

  1. Select an option:

  2. To pause the process for each merge field:To pause the process for each merge field:Select Pause For Each Field. The merge process stops after data is merged with a field. You must click the Proceed button to continue.

  3. To briefly delay the process between each merge:To briefly delay the process between each merge:Select Delay Between Fields. There is a brief delay after data is merged with a field during the merge process. This enables you to view the merged data during the process.

  4. To continue the process until completion:To continue the process until completion:Select No Pause Or Delay. The merge process continues until it is complete. You are unable to view each merge during the process.

  1. Click OK.