Account:Account:Search for, view, add, edit, or delete account records.
Patient:Patient:Search for, view, edit, or delete patient records; access patient transactions, chart, and TeamTalk notes.
Phone Center:Phone Center:Search for and view patient information, insurance information, scheduled appointments, prescription information, contact information, and lists of patient transactions.
Provider:Provider:Search for, view, add, edit, or delete provider records.
Referring Dr:Referring Dr:Search for, view, add, edit, or delete referring doctor records.
Employees:Employees:Search for, view, and edit employee information and review time card entries.
Employer:Employer:Search for, view, add, edit, or delete employer records.
School:School:Search for, view, add, edit, or delete school records.
Ins. Co.:Ins. Co.:Search for, view, add, edit, or delete insurance company records.
Ins. Plan:Ins. Plan:Search for, view, add, edit, or delete insurance plan records.
Bluebook:Bluebook:Search for and view insurance plan Bluebook entries.
Allowance Table:Allowance Table:Search for, add, and edit allowance tables.
Claim:Claim:Search for and view insurance claims information.
ADA Codes:ADA Codes:Search for and view ADA codes.
Clinical Notes:Clinical Notes:Search for, view, add, edit, delete, or print generic clinical notes; and post end of day notes.
Clinical Conditions:Clinical Conditions:Search for, view, add, or edit clinical conditions.
Diagnosis:Diagnosis:Search for and view diagnosis codes.
ADA --> CPT:ADA --> CPT:View a list of CPT codes.
CPT --> DIAG:CPT --> DIAG:View a list of diagnosis codes.
Pharmacy:Pharmacy:Search for and view pharmacies.
Labs:Labs:Search for and view labs.
Prescription Drugs:Prescription Drugs:Search for and view drugs.
InOffice:InOffice:View the list of patients scheduled for an appointment on the current date.
Memos:Memos:Search for and view a memo.
Today's Memos:Today's Memos:Search for and view current memos.
Other Programs:Other Programs:View a list of programs used with SoftDent.
Zip Codes:Zip Codes:Search for and view a zip code.
Completed Claim:Completed Claim:Search for and view a completed claim.
Patient Questionnaire:Patient Questionnaire:Search for and view a patient questionnaire.
View Daily RCVTOT Records:View Daily RCVTOT Records:View the Daily Receivables totals for the office and provider.
Trojan:Trojan:View the Traditional plans or Managed Care Plans commands.
Other Facility:Other Facility:Search for and view a facility.