Using Experts > Working with Letter Expert Templates
To create a letter expert template:
Select Expert > Letter Expert > Letter Expert - MS Word Document Templates. The Letter Expert Template window is displayed.
Click Add. The Template Information window is displayed.
Type the template name.
Press the Tab key to move from one field to the next.
Select the type of record from the Type of record this template is for drop-down list.
You can create templates for a patient, account, insurance company, insurance plan, referring doctor, pharmacy, lab case, employer, or provider record.
Type the template description.
Click Add Word Template. The document and the SoftDent toolbar are displayed.
If the SoftDent toolbar is not displayed, resize your toolbars until it is.
Type your letter. You must manually add all punctuation, spacing, and text.
Select an option:
To add a merge field to the template:To add a merge field to the template:
To add a list to the template:To add a list to the template:
To add an image to a template:To add an image to a template:
After you are finished adding merge fields, lists, and images to your template, click Back to SoftDent. The Save As window is displayed.
Type the file name.
Templates must be saved in the Letters directory.
Click Save.
Click Close.