Setting Insurance Defaults

Before using the software to track insurance claims or entering insurance company and plan information, set up your default insurance settings.

You can set the following insurance defaults:

To set up your insurance defaults:

  1. Select System > Change System Settings > Insurance. The Insurance Settings window is displayed.

  2. Select an option from the Default Insurance Calculation Method for new accounts drop-down list:

  3. If your practice bills an account the full fee at the time of service and does not accept benefits assignment:If your practice bills an account the full fee at the time of service and does not accept benefits assignment:Select ICM0.

  1. Select an option from the Process claims after submitting insurance drop-down list:

  2. To display a message that asks you to print or batch insurance claims:To display a message that asks you to print or batch insurance claims:Select Ask Print or Batch.

  3. To send the claim automatically to the batch file after it is submitted:To send the claim automatically to the batch file after it is submitted:Select Send to Batch.

  4. To print the claim automatically after it is submitted:To print the claim automatically after it is submitted:Select Print.

  1. Type the number of copies to print in the Default number of copies for each insurance form: field.

  2. To enable insurance estimation, select Enable Insurance estimation. The insurance payment is estimated when you schedule or post a procedure. The payment amount is determined by the insurance bluebook data, percentages, and copays entered on the Coverage tab of the Insurance Plan window.

  1. To display a message prompting you to update the bluebook after posting an insurance payment, select Update bluebook after insurance payments.

  1. To send insurance payments directly to the patient, select Default benefits to patient for new plans.

  2. To display any bluebook notes associated with the transaction code in the Assistant when scheduling appointments, select Display bluebook notes for appointments.

  3. To print practice information as the billing dentist on an insurance claim form, select Print Practice Name on ADA Forms.

  4. To display any bluebook notes associated with the transaction code in the Assistant when posting transactions, select Display bluebook notes for transactions.

  5. To enable ePostings, select Enable ePostings Service.

  6. If you use eClaims to submit claims electronically and want to print the claim after it is submitted, select Print copy of ECS claims after submitting.

  7. To enable the Real Time Claim Submission service, select Enable Real Time Claim Service.

  8. To use an existing dental plan as a template, select a plan from the Percentage, Flat Fee, Percentage PPO, Flat Fee PPO, DMO/Capitation, Flat Fee Medicare, Percentage Medicare, and Medicaid drop-down lists. When a default plan is selected while adding a plan, a message is displayed asking you to use the default plan information.

  9. Click OK.
