Running the Patient Visit Statistics Report

After consistent and reliable data about patient visits has been entered in the InOffice, you can track your practice’s efficiency by running the Patient Visit Statistics report.

Sample Report

To run the Patient Visit Statistics report:

  1. Select Patient Visit Statistics from the System menu. The Patient Visit Statistics window is displayed.

  2. Select the providers whose statistics you want to calculate from the Providers drop-down lists, or type 999 in the first drop-down list to run the report for all providers in your office.

  3. Select an option:

  4. To run the report for the current date:

  5. To run the report from the beginning of the current week (Sunday) to the current date:

  6. To run the report from the first day of the month to the current date:

  7. To run the report for a specific date range:

  1. Click Compute.

If the patient average wait time is exceeded:

If the percentage of patients seated on time is not met:

The summary information is displayed in red.

  1. To print the Patient Visit Statistics report, click Print.

To view a printable job aid about the Patient Visit Statistics Report, see Generating the Patient Visit Statistics Report.