Setting Patient Visit Statistics Report Properties

The Patient Visit Statistics Properties window enables you to set:

To set Patient Visit Statistics report properties:

  1. Select Patient Visit Statistics from the System menu. The Patient Visit Statistics window is displayed.

  1. Click Properties. The Patient Visit Statistics Properties window is displayed.

  2. Type the seated late and seated very late minutes.

  3. A patient is considered seated on time:

  4. A patient is considered seated late:

  5. A patient is considered seated very late:

  6. The seated late and seated very late times:

  1. Type how early a patient should check in before an appointment in the Patient Check-in Time field. The default value is 0.

If the patient is not checked in before the value entered in the field:

The check in time is used to calculate the percentage of on time and late patients. These calculations are displayed in the On Time and Late columns of the Patient Visit Statistics report.

  1. To exclude late patients from the report, check Exclude late arrival patients from the computation.

If this option is unchecked:

  1. Type the expected average time a patient should wait before being seated in the operatory in the Avg Wait field. The default value is 10.

If the patient average wait time is exceeded:

  1. Type the expected percent of patients who should be seated on time in the operatory in the % Seated On Time field. The default value is 50.

If the percentage of patients seated on time is not met:

  1. Click OK.

Related Job Aid:
Generating the Patient Visit Statistics Report