Deleting Claims by Age

When you use this function, you are not actually deleting the claims. You are moving them from the pending claims batch to the Completed Claims file, marking them paid in the patient transactions list, and transferring the balance to the patient. A new "transfer balance" transaction is not created. The amount is moved from the Insurance column to the Patient Balance column.

To delete claims by age:

  1. Select Insurance > Resubmit or Delete by Age. The Resubmit/Delete Old Insurance Claims window is displayed.

  2. To delete incomplete claims, select Delete Incomplete Claims.

  3. To retain ortho claims, select Exclude Ortho Claims.

  1. Select Paper, ECS only, or All.

  2. Select First Sent Date or Last Sent Date from the Process All Claims With drop-down list.

  3. To set the date range, select an option:

  4. Older than __ days:Older than __ days:Enter the number of days (Older than __ days) or a cutoff date (Prior to __).

  5. In date range:In date range:Enter the beginning and ending dates.

  1. Click OK. A message is displayed, asking you to confirm the deletion process.

  2. Click Yes. A message is displayed, listing the number of records that have been processed.

  3. Click OK. A message is displayed, asking if you want to print the log file.

  4. Click Yes. The Action Options window is displayed.

  5. Select Print and click OK. The Output Options window is displayed.

  6. Select an output and click OK.