Running the Contractual Plan Production Report

The Contractual Plan Production report lists all procedures posted using a DMO fee schedule. The quantity performed and the monies generated by the production are included in the report.

To run the Contractual Plan Production report:

  1. Select Reports > Practice Management > Insurance Reports > Contractual Plan Production. The Output Options window is displayed.

  2. Select an output and click OK. The Contractual Plan Production by ADA Codes Report window is displayed.

  3. In the Date Range section, click the drop-down arrows to select the dates from a calendar.

  4. In the Plan ID section, click the drop-down arrow to select an insurance plan.

  5. In the Doctors section, use the drop-down arrows to select specific providers, or leave 999 to report on all providers.

  6. Click OK.

Additional Contractual Plan Production Information:

Sample Report