Setting Charting Options and Properties

Charting options are workstation-specific.

To set restorative charting options and properties:

  1. Select Chart > Options. The Chart Properties window is displayed.

  2. To set charting defaults, select an option:

  3. To use only a pointing device to chart information:

  4. To display a message that asks each user to remove tooth watches while posting transactions:

  5. To display the Watch Summary window when you access a chart that contains a watched tooth:

  6. To load all uncharted history transactions each time you access a patient’s chart:

  7. To select an anatomical display title:

  1. To set mobility display defaults, select an option:

  2. To never display mobility information:

  3. To display the mobility values for all teeth:

  4. To display charted mobility values only:

  1. To set clinical notes defaults, select an option:

  2. To display a single window where you can add all of the clinical notes for a visit after posting the procedures:

  3. To add a clinical note to a chart after posting each transaction:

  4. To add clinical notes to all charts at the end of the day:

  5. To display a single window at the end of the day where you can add all of the clinical notes for a visit:

  6. To add clinical notes to a chart manually:

  1. To set the default charting tab, select an option:

  2. To display the Overview tab when accessing charts:

  3. To display the Perio tab when accessing charts:

  4. To display the Restorative tab when accessing charts:

  1. To set the default treatment plan mode on the Treatment Planning tab, select an option:

  2. To display current work in treatment plan primary mode:

  3. To display current work in treatment plan secondary mode:

  4. To display current work in treatment plan tertiary mode:

  1. To populate default clinical note text in the notes field of a clinical note that is added when you add a procedure to the treatment plan, select Use Default Text in TP Notes.

  1. To change the default colors used when the Restorative tab is the active window, click the colored button next to Outside Work. The Color window is displayed. Select a color and click OK. The new color for work performed outside your practice is displayed next to the item.

Repeat for each item you want to change.

To restore the system default colors:

  1. To set the default display options, select an option:

  2. To display the clipboard background image while charting:

  3. To set the default background color when the Restorative tab is the active window:

  4. To set the default root color when the Restorative tab is the active window:

  1. To set up a patient education program, click Patient Education. Type the drive, directory, and path where the education program is located.

  1. To set the default exams order, click Exams Order. The Patient Exams Order window is displayed. Select an option:

  2. To remove an exam from the list:

  3. To move an exam up in the list:

  4. To move an exam down in the list:

After you have completed the order, click OK. The Chart Properties window is displayed.

  1. To set the default third-party software to use when capturing x-ray images, select the X-ray tab and select the software name. Select an option:

  1. To use a previously established third-party application’s patient integration identification number, select the Other tab, select the application from the list, and click Add.

  1. Click OK.