Building Case Module Presentations

A presentation is usually customized to a patient’s proposed treatment plan and focuses on all aspects of the treatment. You can build, view, and show a customized presentation to the patient.

Create a presentation by combining blueprint slides with slides associated with specific procedure codes. You can build a presentation from SoftDent or from the charting module.

A presentation can be accessed as a patient document from the document manager.

To build a presentation:

  1. In the Patient List window, select the patient and select Treatment Plan from the Options section of the Express bar or Options menu. The Treatment Plan List window is displayed.

  2. Select Case Presentation Module from the Options section of the Express bar or Options menu. The SoftDent Case Presentation Module - Select the Transactions to Include in your presentation window is displayed.

  3. Select the procedures to add to the case presentation. To select consecutive items, press Shift. To select non-consecutive items, press Ctrl.

  4. Click Click to build a SoftDent Case Presentation for the selected procedures. The Build a New Case Presentation window is displayed.

  5. Type the name of the presentation in the Specify a label for the new presentation field.

  6. Select the case blueprints to use in the presentation.

  7. Select an option:

  8. To display the fee for each item in the presentation:To display the fee for each item in the presentation:Select Display the fee for each treatment plan item listed.

  9. To exclude the fee from the presentation:To exclude the fee from the presentation:Deselect Display the fee for each treatment plan item listed.

  1. Click Build. After the presentation is built, the SoftDent Case Presentation Module - Your Presentation is Ready! window is displayed.

  2. Select an option:

  3. To view the presentation in the slide show viewer:To view the presentation in the slide show viewer:Select I want to show the presentation. When you select this option, the Afterwards, prompt me to specify which treatment items the patient accepted option is enabled. To display the prompt after viewing the presentation, select the option. After you view the presentation, select File > Exit.

  4. To edit the presentation in the slide show application:To edit the presentation in the slide show application:Select I want to edit the presentation. Make the changes, select File > Save, and select File > Exit.

  5. To e-mail the presentation:To e-mail the presentation:Select I want to e-mail the presentation to the patient or a referring Doctor. The SoftDent E-mail window is displayed. Enter the appropriate information, and click OK (Send). The e-mail is sent.

  6. To do nothing with the presentation:To do nothing with the presentation:Select Nothing. I will view the presentation later.

  7. To start the presentation with the first ADA presentation slide instead of introductory information:To start the presentation with the first ADA presentation slide instead of introductory information:Select Set up this presentation to start at the first included ADA procedure during slide-shows, skipping any introductory material from the case blueprint.

  1. Click Close.