Attaching and Detaching Documents

You can attach or detach a document to additional records. You can perform this function only for documents that are displayed beneath the Documents section in the Documents for window.

To attach a document to or to detach a document from another record:

  1. In the Documents for window, select the document from the Documents section of the tree, and select Attach/Detach to other Rec(s) from the Options section of the Express bar. The Document(s) scan window is displayed.

  2. Select an option:

  3. To detach the document from a record:To detach the document from a record:Deselect the option next to the record.

  4. To attach the document to a record:To attach the document to a record:Select the record type from the Record Type drop-down list, click Select Record, and select the record.

  1. Click OK. A message asks you to confirm the action.

  2. Click Yes.