Adding Lab Cases

You can enter lab case information from the Patient List, Patient, Transactions, Electronic Router, or Labs windows, as well as the patient chart. When you add or edit a lab case, the information is updated in both the patient and lab records.

To add a lab case:

  1. Select an option:

  2. In the Patient List window:

  3. In the Patient window:

  4. In the patient chart:

  5. In the Labs List window:

  6. In the Labs window:

  7. In the patient Transactions window:

  8. In the Electronic Router window:

The Lab case window is displayed.

  1. Click Add. The Lab case window is displayed in ADD mode.

  1. Select the patient, doctor, and lab from the drop-down lists and make the changes to the Opened and Expect Back fields.

  2. Type the information in the Tooth, Shade, and Description fields.

  3. Click OK. The lab case is saved. A message prompts you to create a reminder memo for the day the lab case is due back. Click Yes to generate a memo. The Lab case window is displayed.

  4. Click Close twice.