Setting Up Insurance > Running Insurance Reports > Running Insurance Practice Management Reports
This report generates a list of codes that have had a portion of their fee written off. It includes the total write-offs posted in the specified date range, including those that may have been compressed, and a total of the actual write-offs.
Additional Details:Additional Details:
This report only calculates write-offs posted as code 50.90. Any other codes do not display. The total for Actual Write-Offs Posted might differ from the total of Write-Offs due to posted write-off transaction modifications.
The Actual Write-Offs Posted field gives a total of what is actually posted in your system.
The Risk and Development Write-Offs Posted field displays the percentage of the expected insurance payment that has to be written off, calculated using the total of all codes 50.91 posted.
If the Summary format is selected, only totals listed for Total and Writeoffs display.
To run the Write-Off Totals report:
Select Reports > Practice Management > Insurance Reports > Writeoff Totals. The Output Options window is displayed.
Select the output type and click OK. The Transaction Writeoff Report Setup window is displayed.
Use the drop-down arrows to select a specific date range.
In the Summary Format section, select the checkbox if you want to summarize codes by ranges.
In the Insurance Co ID and Plan ID sections, use the drop-down arrows to select a specific insurance company or plan, or leave as 0 for all companies and plans.
In the Doctors section, use the drop-down arrows to select specific providers, or leave as 999 to report on all providers.
In the Patient User Codes section, type the patient user codes to include or exclude in the report.
In the Codes section, use the drop-down arrows to select up to five code ranges.
To specify a single code, type the code in the second Codes field and leave the first field blank.
Click OK.
Additional Write-Off Totals Report Information:Additional Write-Off Totals Report Information:
Actual Write-Offs (List each code format)
Code—Procedure codes posted against the insurance plan for the specified date ranges.
Total—Total dollar amount charged for that code. (This can be different from the fee schedule 0 amount.)
Allowed—The current allowed amount in the plan’s bluebook.
Write-Offs—The actual total of all codes 50.90 posted for the specified date range. In order to get the actual write-off per code, payments must be posted from the Insurance Payment screen.
Expected Write-Offs (List each code format)
Code—Procedure codes posted against the insurance plan for the specified date range.
Total—Total dollar amount charged for that code. (This can be different from the fee schedule 0 amount.)
Allowed—The current allowed amount in the plan’s bluebook.
Write-Offs—The expected total of all write-offs based on the write-off amount stored with the transaction for the specified date range.