User-Selected Reports

User-Selected reports have received enhancements in the following areas:

User-Selected Reports Export to Excel

When running a user-selected report, you can now select Excel as an output option, enabling you to further manipulate the data using Excel.

Order of Report Criteria Changed

Report criteria has been reorganized to group similar entries together. Previously, new entries were added to the bottom of the list.

Last Update Report Option

A Last Update option is now available when running either account or patient user-selected reports. This option enables you to produce a report for accounts or patients whose records have been updated within a specified date range.

When you double-click the Last Update option (or select the option and click Edit Values), you can enter comparison operations and date ranges to which you can apply the comparisons.

Cell Phone and E-Mail Options

Cell Phone and E-mail options are now available when running either account or patient user-selected reports. These options enable you to produce a report for accounts or patients with cell phones and e-mail addresses.

The Account Selection Criteria window includes the following new options: G #1 Cell Phone, G #2 Cell Phone; and G #1 E-Mail, G #2 E-Mail, G #3 E-Mail, and G #4 E-Mail.

The Patient Selection Criteria window includes the following new options: Cell Phone, and E-Mail.

When you double-click Cell Phone or E-Mail (or select one of these options and click Edit Values), you can enter comparison operations and text ranges to which you can apply the comparisons.


See Generating User-Selected Reports for more information.