Posting an Unscheduled Treatment Plan Procedure

After you have added a treatment plan procedure in the software, you can post it without scheduling an appointment.

To post an unscheduled treatment plan procedure:

  1. Select an option:

  2. In the Patient List window:In the Patient List window:Select the patient and select Transactions from the Options section of the Express bar or the Options menu.

  3. In the Patient window:In the Patient window:Select Transactions from the Options section of the Express bar or the Options menu.

The patient Transactions List window is displayed.

  1. Select Treatment Plan from the Options section of the Express bar or the Options menu. The Treatment Plan List window is displayed.

  2. To post a new procedure, click Add. The Treatment Plan window is displayed. After you enter the procedure, click OK. The Treatment Plan List window is displayed.

  3. Select an option:

  4. To post the procedure:To post the procedure:Select Post from the Options section of the Express bar or the Options menu.

  5. To post the treatment procedural group:To post the treatment procedural group:Select Post Group from the Options section of the Express bar or the Options menu.

  1. Click Close twice.