Treatment Planning > Running Treatment Plan Reports
The Treatment Plan Transactions report generates a list of posted treatment plan procedures. The percentage of practice treatment plan transactions is also included in the report.
To generate the Treatment Plan Transactions report:
Select Reports > Practice Management > Treatment Plan Reports > Transactions. The Output Options window is displayed.
Select the output and click OK. The Transactions Posted From Treatment Plans window is displayed.
In the Dates section, click the drop-down arrows to select the starting and ending date range from a calendar.
Select an option:
To restrict the report to a specific provider:To restrict the report to a specific provider:
Click OK.
Treatment plan transactions are recorded as posted only when they are posted from the Treatment Plan window or by auto-posting the transactions.
The report contains the following information:
Date—Date of posted transaction.
ID, Name—Patient ID and name.
D$—The collecting provider.
Dr—The service provider.
Code—Transaction code, including extension.
Prod—Dollar amount of posted production transactions (codes 100.00+).
Charges—Dollar amount of posted charges (codes 61.00-91.99).
Prod Adj—Dollar amount of posted production adjustments (codes 40.00-60.99).
Totals—Total dollar amounts for production, charges, and production adjustments.