Setting Up TeamTalk Notes from the TeamTalk Window

To set up TeamTalk notes from the TeamTalk window:

  1. Select TeamTalk > TeamTalk Setup. The TeamTalk window is displayed.

  2. Select the database for the note from the drop-down list. For a complete list of databases and events, see Understanding TeamTalk Events.  

  3. Select an option:

  4. To display the TeamTalk note each time the event is performed for each record contained in the database:

  5. To display a TeamTalk note each time the event is performed for a specific set of records contained in the database:

  1. Select the event to display a note from the Show Note section.

  2. Select an option:

  3. To display the TeamTalk note only the next time the event is performed:

  4. To display the TeamTalk note for a specific date or date range:

  5. To display the TeamTalk note every time the event is performed:

  1. To add a condition and further restrict the event that displays the note, click Extra Settings.

Select the field to which to apply the condition from the drop-down list:

When you are finished adding conditions:

  1. Type the note subject in the Description field, and type the note text in the Note field. The spell checker function checks the note for misspelled words.

  2. If you do not enter text into the Description field, the first 40 characters of the note text are automatically populated in the field.

  1. To play a sound each time the note is displayed, select Play sound when note appears, and select the sound from the list.

  2. Click OK. If a note for the same event already exists, a message asks if you want to append the new note to the existing one. To append the new note, click Yes. If you click No, the note is displayed at the same time as the existing note.