Change System Settings:Configure settings and options for the following areas: general system, security, billing statements, insurance, recall, scheduler, HIPAA options, contact notes, treatment plan financial arrangement notes, treatment plan comments, customize postcards, CPT code classes, category codes, time card preferences, printer and WP, video capture options, and KIOSK configuration options.
Clock In:Display the Clock In window, so you can clock in.
Clock Out:Display the Clock Out window, so you can clock out.
Change Login:Log into the software as another user.
Change User Password:Change the password of the currently logged-in user.
Change Working Office:Toggle between the working offices. This command is enabled only if you purchased a multi-office license.
Switch License Files:Switch license files. This command is enabled only if your configuration uses multiple license files.
Form Selection:Select billing statement, walkout statement, budget coupons, prescription forms, routing slip, treatment plan, electronic statement, and daysheet forms.
Fees Maintenance:Copy, change, and update fee schedules; update Bluebook fees, copy Bluebook fees between plans, copy the allowed amount from plan to plan, install or update CDT procedure codes, enable CDT code formatting, and reset the insurance plan CDT version.
Patient Visit Statistics:Configure the Patient Visit Statistics reports.
File Status:View a list of software data files.
Startup Preferences:Select which window is automatically displayed when you start the program and set additional default settings.
Reset Wizard Setting:Select which wizards are displayed.
Modify Balance:Edit account balance amounts.
Special Edit Field Enable:Edit fields that are protected by the software.
View Audit Trails:View audit trails for transactions, scheduling, prescriptions, charting, security, PracticeToGo, reports, and archived transactions.
View Network Users:View machines used to access the software.
Customize Medical History:Add, edit, and delete conditions.
Customize Document Categories:Create, edit, and change the display order of document manager categories.
Customize Titlebars:Change the appearance of the titlebars.
Customize Background:Select the background color displayed in the workspace.
PracticeToGo:Select a platform, set user preferences, and configure system settings for PracticeToGo.
Amazing Charts:Enable and configure the Amazing Charts software.
Modules:Enable, select options, and run reports for additional modules.
Referral Categories (1):Create and edit referral categories for use in the Referral Source Analysis report.
Discount Schedule:Add, edit, and delete discount schedules.
Update Client Files:Select directories that need to be updated.