Getting Started > Starting the Software
You can set the default startup window, office expert item display frequency, patient and account amounts due when posting personal payment codes, appointment reminder printer, window refresh frequency, printer for labels, and what information is displayed on the first Patient window tab.
To set startup preferences:
Select System > Startup Preferences. The Startup Preferences window is displayed.
Select the window to display when you access the software from the Display at Startup section.
Select an option:
To display the Office Expert window when you have office expert items requiring action, select Display Office Expert when items are available.
When there are no office expert items requiring attention, the window selected from the Display at Startup section is displayed after log-in.
To automatically display a default value, other than $0.00, in the Amount Due field of the Payments window when posting a personal payment, select Default the amount due for patient/account when posting personal payment codes. For more information, see Setting Insurance Defaults.
To use a Costar SE250 or EL60 model printer to print appointment reminder cards, select Use Costar SE250 or EL60 Appointment Reminder Printer. If this option is selected, Prompt To Print Reminder Card When Exiting Transaction Screen is enabled. Select this option to display a message, prompting you to print a patient appointment reminder card, after scheduling the next appointment.
To dictate which tab is first displayed in the Patient window, select it from the Patient Tab to Display Initially section. Select the tab that contains the information that you most often use.
To set how often information is updated in the active window, type the refresh interval in the Refresh view every __ minutes field.
To dictate how many characters must be typed in the Find field before starting a search for matching records, type the number of characters in the Start Find after __ characters typed field.
If your office uses a Topaz signature pad to capture digital signatures on a patient’s Medical History window, select the Use Topaz Electronic Signature Pad checkbox.
To display the Contacts For window when merging a patient record with a letter expert template, select Edit the new contact when sending a record to the Letter Expert.
Select the printer used to print labels from the Printer For Labels section of the window.
To ensure that information displayed on your workstation is synchronized with information contained on the server upon log-in, select Update Client Files at Startup.
This option is only displayed if you are running a Client/Server or Multi-User version of the software and are setting the startup preferences for a workstation.
Click OK. The Practice Information window is displayed.