Creating Statement Messages

You can create messages that can be printed on billing and walkout statements for accounts with current, 30-, 60-, and 90-day overdue balances. To print these messages the Print 30, 60, 90 day dunning messages checkbox must be selected in the Printing Preferences window. See Setting Statement Printing Preferences.

To create a message to print on billing and walkout statements:

  1. Select System > Change System Settings > Billing Statements. The Billing Statement Settings window is displayed.

  2. Select Messages from the Options section of the Express bar or Options menu. The Statement Messages window is displayed.

  3. Type a message for each statement in the appropriate fields.

  4. Only the Top form #1210 and laser statements have enough space to print two lines of message text. If you use any other statement, limit your message to one line.

  1. Click OK.

  2. Click Close.