Setting Patient Visit Statistics Report Properties

You can set patient check-in time constraints and the expected wait average before a patient is seated in the operatory. When the report is generated, these settings are compared to actual office performance.

To set Patient Visit Statistics report properties:

  1. Select Reports > Practice Management > Patient Visit Statistics. The Patient Visit Statistics window is displayed.

  2. Click Properties. The Patient Visit Statistics Properties window is displayed.

  3. Type the seated late and seated very late minutes. These times are used to calculate the percentage of patients seated on time, seated late, or seated very late.

  4. Move a patient to the operatory before the seated late time to seat them on time.

  1. Type the expected number of minutes a patient should arrive before an appointment in the Patient considered tardy if not checked in_ minutes prior to appointment time. field. The check-in time is used to calculate the percentage of on time and late patients.

  2. The patient is late if not checked in before the check-in time.

  1. To exclude late patients, select Exclude tardy patients from the computation.

  2. Type the expected average time a patient waits before being seated in the operatory in the Avg Wait field.

  3. If the average wait time is exceeded or the percentage of patients seated on time is not met, the provider information is displayed in blue text.

  1. Type the expected percentage of patients who are seated on time in the operatory in the % Seated On Time field.

  2. Click OK. The Patient Visit Statistics window is displayed.