Getting Started > Using the Workspace > Using the Main Menu Bar
Scheduler Menu Commands
Use the Scheduler menu to view scheduling and production information, schedule appointments, set new production goals, view appointment histories, add patients to Tickler files, set up books, and add holidays to the scheduler.
The Scheduler menu commands are:
Daily Appointments:Daily Appointments:Schedule and display patient appointments for a 24-month period.
Book At A Glance:Book At A Glance:Schedule and display patient appointments.
Month At A Glance:Month At A Glance:View goals and production totals for a calendar month.
History Appointments:History Appointments:View the appointment history for the selected date range.
Set up Goals and Colors:Set up Goals and Colors:Add, edit, or delete color groups.
Tickler File:Tickler File:Search for, view, add, edit, or delete a Tickler File entry.
Tickler Short Call List:Tickler Short Call List:Display and automatically schedule patients who can reschedule on short notice.
Set up Books:Set up Books:Search for, add, edit, delete, add rooms to, or view rooms for a book.
Holidays:Holidays:Add, edit, or delete a holiday.