Running User-Selected Reports

To run a user-selected report that has previously been created:

  1. Select Reports > Patient > User-Selected or Reports > Account > User-Selected. The User-Selected list window is displayed.

  2. Select the report you want to print and click Run/select. The User-Selected report title window is displayed.

  3. Change the title of the report, if necessary, and click OK. The Selection Criteria window is displayed.

  4. Verify the selected categories on the Info and Trans/Category tabs, and click OK.

  5. The software prompts you to save the report setup changes. Click Yes. A message is displayed, indicating the number of matches that were found.

  6. Click OK. The software prompts you to print the report. Click Yes.

  7. The Output Options window is displayed. Make a selection and click OK.

  8. Click Close.