Resubmitting Claims by Age

You can automatically resubmit any outstanding claims that were last submitted within a certain date range without the need for resubmitting claims one at a time.

To resubmit claims by age:

  1. Select Insurance > Resubmit or Delete by Age. The Resubmit/Delete Old Insurance Claims window is displayed.

  2. Select Paper, ECS only, or All.

  3. Select the first or last date on which the claim or electronic claim was submitted. The Process All Claims With field is typically set to First Sent Date.

  4. To set the date range, select an option:

  5. Select Older than __ days:Select Older than __ days:Enter the number of days (Older than __ days) or a cutoff date (Prior to __).

  6. Select In Date Range:Select In Date Range:Enter the beginning and ending dates. If the last date or first date on which the claim was sent is within the date range, the claim is resubmitted.

  1. Click OK. A confirmation message is displayed.

  2. Click Yes.  A message is displayed listing the number of records that have been processed.

  3. Click OK. A message is displayed, asking if you want to print the log file.

  4. Click Yes. The Action Options window is displayed.

  5. Select Print and click OK. The Output Options window is displayed.

  6. Select an output and click OK.