Setting Routing Slip Preferences

To set routing slip preferences:

  1. Select System > Change System Settings > General System. The General System Settings window is displayed.

  2. Click Printer Preferences. The System Printing Preferences window is displayed.

  3. Select from the following options:

  4. To use a provider’s customized routing slip, select Use provider preferred routing slips. See Running the Modify Routing Slip Codes Utility for more information on creating a customized routing slip.

  5. To print treatment plan codes on routing slips if the patient has treatment plan procedures, select Include Treatment Plan.

  6. To print last exam information in the Patient Information section of the routing slip, select Include Exam History.

  7. To print patient referral information on routing slips, select Include Patient Referrals and Acct Aging.

  1. Click OK. The General System Settings window is displayed.

  2. Click Close.