Canceling and Rescheduling Appointments

To cancel and reschedule a patient appointment:

  1. In the Daily Appointments window, select the appointment and select Cancel Appt. The appointment is canceled and displayed, floating on the left side of the window. The default background color is orange, and Reschedule Cancelled Appt is displayed at the bottom of the appointment.

  2. Reschedule Cancelled Appt is only displayed if the appointment is four slots or more.

  1. To display the appointment card, select the appointment, right-click, and select View Appt. Review the details and click Close.


After you display the appointment details, you must resolve the appointment.

  1. To resolve the cancelled appointment, do one of the following:

  2. To reschedule the appointment, select the appointment, drag it to the new appointment time, and release the mouse.

  3. To send the appointment to the Tickler file, select the appointment, right-click, and select Place in Tickler.

  4. To send the appointment to the Short Call Tickler file, select the appointment, right-click, and select Place in Short Call Tickler.

  5. To autoschedule the appointment, select the appointment, right-click, and select AutoSchedule Appt. Select the start and end dates and click OK. The first available slot is displayed. Find the correct slot and select Make Appt.

  6. To delete the appointment, select the appointment, right-click, and click Delete.


To scan the Short Call Tickler or Tickler file, select Tickler from the Express bar.