Billing and Receivables > Using Billing and Receivables Reports > Running Receivables Reports
The Receivables Summary report generates a list of prior receivables, the change in receivables, and new receivables for the current date, month-to-date, and year-to-date.
To generate the Receivables Summary report:
Select Reports > Practice Management > Receivables Reports > Summary. The Output Options window is displayed.
Select the output option and click OK. The Receivables Summary Report Setup window is displayed.
Type the last date on which to summarize receivables in the Summarize Receivables Through field.
To generate the report for a specific provider, select the provider’s identification number from the Providers field, or accept the default of 999 to include information for all providers.
To include the average production figures in the report results, select Include Average Production Figures.
Click OK.
Additional Receivables Summary Report Information:Additional Receivables Summary Report Information:
For each period (Today, MTD, YTD), totals are calculated as follows:
Net Production$ = Productions (production $ amounts for Dr$ for codes 100+) + Charges (61.00-95.99, 97.00-97.99, 99.00-99.99) +/- Production/Adjustments (40.00-60.99)
Net Collections = Cash (1.00-1.99) + Check (3.00-10.99) + Credit Card payments (11.00-20.99) = Collections +/- Collection Adjustments (21.00-39.99, 96.00-96.99, 98.00-98.99)
The Production$ and Net Production$ amounts only appear for providers collecting income for their own or others’ productions. These fields will be $0.00 for providers whose collections are allocated to someone else.
If your receivables totals are not current, the report information will be inaccurate.
The Receivables Summary report contains the following sections:
Prior Receivables
TODAY—Beginning until previous day
MTD—Beginning until last day of previous month
YTD—Beginning until last day of previous year
Change in Receivables
TODAY—Receivables total for today ONLY
MTD—Receivables total for first day of current month until today
YTD—Receivables total for first day of current year until today
If the Include Average Production Figures setting is set to Y, the following prints:
TODAY—Patients with transaction dates of today
MTD—Patients with transaction dates of current month
YTD—Patients with transaction dates of current year
New Patients
TODAY—Patients w/first visit date of today
MTD—Patients w/first visit date of current month
YTD—Patients w/first visit date of current year
Avg Production/Patient
Production$ divided by Patients.