Billing and Receivables > Using Billing and Receivables Reports > Running Receivables Reports
The Receivables Comparison report enables you to compare the change in receivables over two specific date ranges.
To generate the Receivables Comparison report:
Select Reports > Practice Management > Receivables Reports > Summary. The Output Options window is displayed.
Select the output option and click OK. The Receivables Comparison Report Setup window is displayed.
To generate the report for a specific provider, select the provider’s identification number from the Providers field, or accept the default of 999 to include information for all providers.
Select the date ranges from the Ranges section.
Click OK.
The Change In Receivables amount includes the practice’s receivables for the first period minus the practice’s receivables for the second period. This figure is not necessarily net production minus net collections because net collections also includes billing and finance charges.
If your receivables totals are not current, the report information will be inaccurate.
The Receivables Comparison report contains the following sections:
Production$—Production dollar amounts (codes 100+) for the collecting provider (DR$).
Charges—Dollar amounts for charges posted (Codes 61.00-95.99, 97.00-97.99, 99.00-99.99).
Adjustments to Production—Dollar amounts of adjustments to posted production (codes 40.00-60.99).
Tax Liability—% of tax on production codes (if tax feature is enabled).
Net Production$—Net Production$ = Production$ + Charges +/- Adjustments to Production
Cash—Dollar amounts posted for cash payments (codes 1.00-1.99).
Check—Dollar amounts posted for check payments (codes 3.00-10.99).
Credit Cards—Dollar amounts posted for credit card payments (codes 11.00-20.99).
Adjustment to Collections—Dollar amounts posted for collections adjustments (codes 21.00-39.99, 96.00-96.99, 98.00-98.99).
Net Collections—Net Collections = Cash + Check + Credit Cards +/- Adjustments to Collections.