Account:Account:Name, identification number, and Social Security number.
Patient:Patient:Name, identification number, chart number, Social Security number, and first name.
Phone Center:Phone Center:Name, identification number, chart number, Social Security number, and first name.
Provider:Provider:Name and identification number.
Referring Doctor:Referring Doctor:Name and identification number.
Employer:Employer:Name and identification number.
School:School:Name and identification number.
Insurance Company:Insurance Company:Name and identification number.
Insurance Plan:Insurance Plan:Name and identification number.
Insurance Claim:Insurance Claim:Claim number, patient identification number, and patient name.
ADA Code:ADA Code:All codes or active codes.
Diagnosis:Diagnosis:Code or description.
CPT ADA Codes:CPT ADA Codes:All codes or active codes.
CPT Diagnosis Codes:CPT Diagnosis Codes:All codes or active codes.
Pharmacy:Pharmacy:Name and identification number.
Labs:Labs:Name and identification number.
Prescription Drugs:Prescription Drugs:Name and identification number.
Zip Codes:Zip Codes:Zip code or city.
Tickler File:Tickler File:File date, patient name, doctor name, procedure length, or by short calls.
Completed Claim:Completed Claim:Claim identification number, patient identification number, or submission date.
Patient Questionnaire:Patient Questionnaire:Name or identification number.
Receivable Totals:Receivable Totals:Date.
Trojan:Trojan:In the Employer_plans window, by group number, name, or identification number.
In the Carriers window, by name or identification number.
In the Managed Care Plan window, by group number, name, or identification number.
In the Plan Administrators window, by name or identification number.
Other Facilities:Other Facilities:Name and identification number.