Provider and Referring Doctor Reports

You can access the following reports from the Reports > Provider/Referring Dr menu:


Report Name



Alphabetical Provider List

Select this report to generate a list of providers in alphabetical order. For more information, see Running the Alphabetical Provider List Report.

As Needed

Providers By ID

Select this report to generate a list of providers by identification number. For more information, see Running the Provider by ID Report.

As Needed

Alphabetical Provider Labels

Select this report to generate alphabetically-sorted provider labels. For more information, see Running the Alphabetical Provider Labels Report.

As Needed

Provider Labels By ID

Select this report to generate provider labels sorted by identification number. For more information, see Running the Provider Labels by ID Report.

As Needed

Alphabetical Referring Doctor List

Select this report to generate a list of referring doctors in alphabetical order. For more information, see Running the Alphabetical Referring Doctor List Report.

As Needed

Referring Doctor By ID

Select this report to generate a list of referring doctors by identification number. For more information, see Running the Referring Doctor List by ID Report.

As Needed

Alphabetical Referring Doctor Labels

Select this report to generate alphabetically-sorted referring doctor labels. For more information, see Running the Alphabetical Referring Doctor Labels Report.

As Needed

Referring Doctor Labels By ID

Select this report to generate referring doctor labels sorted by identification number. For more information, see Running the Referring Doctor Labels by ID Report.
