Using the Patient Transactions Window

In the Treatment Plan window, the patient Transactions window is displayed when you add or edit:

The office and patient identification numbers are displayed in the following fields:

The following information is displayed in the Charges/Aging section:

Taxable is only enabled if a non-prorated tax method and a tax rate is selected in the General System Settings window. The patient fee schedule amount is displayed in the Fee field.

If a patient is covered by DMO/Capitation plans:If a patient is covered by DMO/Capitation plans:This field defaults to the bluebook cap fee.

If there is no bluebook entry:If there is no bluebook entry:The fee defaults to the fee schedule 0 amount.

The real time units are displayed in the RTU’s field. The current date is displayed in the DOS field.

The Aged field is only displayed when a procedure or charge code is selected.

If a non-insurable transaction is selected or the account uses ICM0, the default value for this field is the current date, and the transaction starts aging immediately.

If you leave this field blank:If you leave this field blank:The transaction remains current until you select a date.

If you select a future date for this field:If you select a future date for this field:The transaction remains current until the selected date and then starts aging.

When an insurable transaction is selected, the default aged date is dictated by the ICM for the account.

If the account ICM is 1:If the account ICM is 1:This field is blank because all charges are kept current until an insurance payment is received and posted against the claim.

If the account ICM is 2:If the account ICM is 2:This field is blank to keep the deferred insurance portion of the charge from aging.

The following boxes are checked if the corresponding options are selected in the ADA Transaction Codes window:

Insurance information is displayed in the Insurance section. Insurable is only selected if the procedure is covered by insurance. A claim number is displayed in the Claim # field if a claim has been filed for the procedure. When posting against a claim, select the claim number.

The insurance coverage information is displayed in the Type field. The portion of the fees used to meet the primary and secondary dental plan deductible is displayed in the Deductible field. The estimated insurance payment is displayed in the Insurance Pays field.


The Remove Chart Graphic option enables you to re-chart an existing procedure in the chart to accurately depict the current status of patient dentition. (For example: an implant fails and needs to be retreated; an extraction was charted for the wrong tooth, etc.)

When you select Remove Chart Graphic, the following things occur: