Running the Patient Production/Collection Report

The Patient Production/Collection report generates a list of production patients and collection patients for a provider during a specific date range.

Sample Report

To run the Patient Production/Collection report:

  1. Select Reports > Practice Management > Patient Production/Collection Report. The Output Options window is displayed.

  2. Select an output option and click OK. The Production/Collection Report window is displayed.

  3. Select the identification numbers for the providers to include in the report from the Provider section.

  1. Type the percentage of patients to include in the report in the Percentile section.

  2. Select the start and stop date range from the drop-down lists.

  3. Select an option:

  4. To include patients that have no production or collection amounts during the time frame:To include patients that have no production or collection amounts during the time frame:Select Include Patients with $0.00 Productions/Collections.

  5. To generate production percentage information in the report:To generate production percentage information in the report:Select Run by Production.

  6. To generate collection percentage information in the report:To generate collection percentage information in the report:Deselect Run by Production.

  1. Click OK.


Type 999 in the first field to include production forecast information for all providers.