Handling Reports > Practice Management Reports
The Practice Summary report summarizes several important areas of your practice. By default, the report is generated for the previous six months, while forecast information is projected for the next six months. Depending on your selection criteria, this report summarizes your provider production, treatment plans, receivables, insurance collections, patient and professional referrals, and recall data.
To run the Practice Summary report:
Select Reports > Practice Management > Practice Summary. The Output Options window is displayed.
Select an output and click OK. The Practice Summary Report Setup window is displayed.
In the Sections portion of the window, select the areas of your practice on which you want to report.
Click OK.
Additional Practice Summary Report Information:Additional Practice Summary Report Information:
The report contains the following sections:
Class Production Summary:Class Production Summary:
This section displays production totals for each class of dental and medical codes.
The Actual Dollars column shows the production amounts posted for the past six months.
The Forecast Dollars column lists the scheduled production amounts for the next six months. The forecasted amount is generated from scheduled appointments.
The Totals/Goals field displays the goals set up for your practice for the previous six months (if you have set up the goal scheduling feature).
Provider Production Summary:Provider Production Summary:
This section compares the provider's production totals (work actually done) for the previous six months in relation to the practice’s production.
The provider production amount includes all production posted to the provider in the past six months.
Practice production includes all production codes (100.00-99999.99) posted for all providers. This number is the same for all providers in your database.
The % of Prod. field is provider production divided by the practice production.
Treatment Plan Summary:Treatment Plan Summary:
This section summarizes treatment plans for dental and medical procedures. Only treatment plan transactions designated as primary, secondary, or estimate are included.
The report also lists the number of treatment plan transactions with the specified code types and the dollar amount of accepted, unaccepted, scheduled, and completed primary and secondary treatment plans.
The software determines the treatment plan status using the Accept field in the Treatment Plan window.
Receivables Summary:Receivables Summary:
This section lists your net production, net collections, and the change in receivables for the previous six months for both dental and medical codes. For these numbers to be accurate, your receivables totals must be current and correct—you need to run a final daysheet for all dates included in the report.
Net Production includes productions (codes 100.00-9999.99), charges (codes 61.00-91.99), and adjustments to productions (codes 40.00-59.99) posted in the past six months.
Net Collections includes payment codes (codes 1.00-20.99) and collection adjustments (codes 21.00-39.99).
Change in Receivables includes the practice’s receivables from the previous six months minus the practice’s current receivables total. This amount is not necessarily the net production minus the net collections, because net collections also contain finance and billing charges.
Insurance Summary:Insurance Summary:
This section lists the total of all unsubmitted, outstanding, and pending claims, and includes totals for pre-authorization and ortho claims.
Unsubmitted claims are those with a claim status of Not Sent.
The Charges to be Submitted field is the fee for all procedures awaiting insurance submission. This amount does not include treatment plan procedures awaiting pre-authorization or ortho procedures, which are itemized on the following line.
Claims included in the Outstanding and Pending Claims section of the report have been submitted and are awaiting the final insurance payment.
Patient Referrals Summary:Patient Referrals Summary:
New patient referrals and their productions are displayed in this section of the report. Patients included in these totals have a referring patient specified in their patient record, and their first visit date on the Appts/Recall tab is within the past six months. The production amount includes actual production performed within the last six months, not including treatment plan transactions.
Prof. Referrals Summary:Prof. Referrals Summary:
This section lists new patients who have been referred to the practice by outside providers. Patients included in this section have a referring doctor specified in their patient record and a first visit date within the last six months. The software also displays how many patients were referred out in this period and the number of patients due to return to your practice who have not been seen.
Recalls Summary:Recalls Summary:
This section calculates the number of patients due to be seen, who have been seen, and who were seen late for their recall appointment. The software uses the patient’s last exam date and recall frequency to determine who is due and who is late.
The Recall Patients Seen field displays patients whose last exam date is within the last six months.
The Recall Patients Seen Late field displays patients with recall codes posted to their Patient Transactions screen within two weeks of their due date.
The Recall Patients Due and Not Seen field displays patients due for recall, but whose last exam date is not within the last six months. The income generated from recall patients seen is also calculated.