In the Phone Center window, you can perform several functions.
Information:Information:Select a patient or account and click this button to display the Patient or Account window. You can view and edit patient or account information.
Insurance Info:Insurance Info:Select a patient and click this button to display the Patient Guarantors window. You can view, add, edit, and delete patient guarantor and insurance information.
Scheduling:Scheduling:Select a patient and click this button to display the Patient Appointments window. You can view a list of appointments and schedule appointments.
Prescription:Prescription:Select a patient and click this button to display the Prescriptions For List window. You can view a list of drugs that have been or are currently prescribed for the patient.
Contacts:Contacts:Select a patient or account and click this button to display the Contacts for List window. You can view a list of contacts for the patient or account.
New Patient:New Patient:Select a patient or account and click this button to display the Daily Appointments book. You can add a new patient appointment.
Transactions:Transactions:Select a patient or account and click this button to display the Patient Transactions List or Account Transactions Lists window. You can view the transaction history for the patient or account.