Billing and Receivables > Handling Billing Statements
As an alternative to creating a patient budget plan, you can define a minimum payment amount for the account. When the statement is printed, the minimum monthly payment amount is billed.
When setting up a minimum payment amount, the following is true:
When you no longer want the account to pay a minimum amount, you must disable this option.
To set up a minimum payment amount for an account:
Select an option:
Select List > Account.
Click Account List Window on the Power bar.
In any window, press Ctrl + A.
The Account List window is displayed in FIND mode.
Click anywhere in the list area or press Enter to switch to SCAN mode.
Type the account name in the Find field and press Enter.
Double-click the account.
Click OK.
Type a minimum payment amount in the Min Payment field.
Click OK.
Click Close twice.