From the Labs List or Labs window, you can perform several functions.
The commands available from the Options section of the Express bar or Options menu when using the Enhanced Workspace are:
0 - Auto Dialer:The telephone numbers associated with a lab are displayed in the window. If you have a modem set up, select a number and click Dial. If you do not have a modem, this window is displayed for your reference only.
Labels:Select Label to print a lab address information on a label. Select Envelope to print a lab address on an envelope.
Contacts By Date:Add, edit, or delete any contact information that your office has for a lab. Contacts are organized by date.
Contacts By Type:Add, edit, or delete any contact information that your office has for a lab. Contacts are organized by type.
Contacts:Records any contact your office has with the highlighted lab. You can indicate the type of contact, whether the contact was successful, who attempted the contact, and so on.
Lab Cases:View a list of lab cases associated with the selected lab, mark lab cases returned, scan or import lab cases, use the auto dialer, and schedule an appointment for a patient associated with a lab case.
Multi-Case Document:Add several lab cases and associate them with a scanned document.
View Documents for Lab:View a list of all documents associated with a lab.