Post:Posts claims to the Transactions window for each patient.
Load Claims:Lists all outstanding claims for an insurance company and plan in the Insurance Payments window.
Remove:Removes a claim from the list.
Sort:Sorts the list of claims by patient last name, patient Social Security number, or date of service.
Edit Write Off for Transfer:Displays the Claim Line Item Adjustment window. Use this to edit the write-off amount for a claim.
Edit Check Info:Displays the Insurance Check Info window. Use this to edit the check information.
Payment Denied:Indicates whether payment for a claim has been denied. A Y in the * column indicates that payment was denied.
Mark as Final Payment:Indicates whether the current payment is the final payment for a claim. An asterisk (*) next to the patient's name indicates that the final payment has been collected.
Payment Mode:Displays the Insurance Payments window in Payment mode.
Notes Mode:Displays the Insurance Payments window in Notes mode. The Notes column is displayed. Type an appropriate note in the column. See Entering Insurance Payment Notes.
Write Off Mode:Displays the Insurance Payments window in Write Off mode.
Capture Claim Documents:Displays the Bulk Insurance Document Capture window. Use this to capture documents to attach to a claim.
View Claim:Displays a claim.
View EOB:Displays the Explanation of Benefits for a claim. This command is enabled only if your office scans and imports claims into the software.