Handling Reports > Practice Management Reports
The Hygiene Analysis report compares the hygienist’s scheduled hours to the available hours, analyzing the use of the hygienist’s time. The report generates information for one or all hygienists for the previous and next 12 months based on recall codes.
Additional details:Additional details:
The report lists patients seen for recall appointments in the past 12 months, patients who were due and seen late, and patients who were due but not scheduled. Also displayed is the income generated by these recall appointments and the income lost because of unscheduled appointments.
In addition, the report details the next 12 months of recall appointments, showing how many appointments are scheduled, the production dollars, and how many hours are required for the appointments.
The accuracy of the report depends on the proper setup of the recall system in the following areasfollowing areas:
Proper recall setup includes:
Defining default recall codes and frequencies in System Settings.
Setting up individual patient recall settings on the Recall tab of the patient record (code, frequency, time units, and hygienist).
Marking transaction codes as hygiene procedures with time units and template information.
Assigning recall appointment information on the scheduler template.
To run the Hygiene Analysis report:
Select Reports > Practice Management > Hygiene Analysis. The Output Options window is displayed.
Select the output type and click OK. The Hygiene/Recall Analysis Report Setup window is displayed.
In the Exclude patients who had their Last Visit before: field, click the drop-down arrow to select a date from the calendar.
Type the patient user codes to include or exclude in the report. To include inactive patients in the report, select Include Inactive Patients.
Select the provider(s) you want to include in the report, or accept the default to report on all providers.
The Normal Recall checkbox is selected by default. Deselect the checkbox to run the report for user-defined recalls.
Click OK.
Additional Hygiene Analysis Report Information:Additional Hygiene Analysis Report Information:
The report lists information for two periods:
Previous 12 months:Previous 12 months:
Month/Year—Name of month and year.
Hours Used—Sum of the time units for each hygiene procedure for recall codes that have been posted to patients for each month. The sum of the time units used is multiplied by the default time unit (10 or 15 minutes), and rounded down to the nearest hour.
Recall Pats Seen—Count of patients with hygiene procedures (as indicated in the Transaction Codes window) or recall codes (as defined in recall system settings) posted. A patient is counted once per day. When the report is run by provider, the service provider is used to calculate the number of patients seen.
All Recall Income—Total dollar amount of all hygiene procedures and recall codes posted to the service provider each month.
Pats Due Not Seen—Total number of patients due for recall who have not been seen. The patient’s last exam date plus the recall frequency determine the month the patient is due back.
Income Not Realized—Pats Due Not Seen multiplied by the fee for the recall code on the Appts/Recall tab of the patient record. If no recall code is present, the system default is used. If an explosion code is present, the sum of the fees for all hygiene or recall codes within the explosion code is used.
New Pats Seen—Count of all patients seen based on their first visit date.
Pats Seen On Sched—Count of patients who were due for recall and came in within two weeks of the recall date. This information is only available for the last three months.
Pats Seen Late—Recall Pats Seen minus (New Pats Seen + Pats Seen On Sched.)
Next 12 Months:Next 12 Months:
Month/Year—Name of month and year.
Total Hyg Hrs Avail—Total hygienist hours available, based on hygienist hours minus lunch hours, vacation time, and office holidays. Alternating hygienist hours are used.
Hyg Hours Sched—Sum of the hours scheduled for recall appointments. The appointments must have a hygiene procedure or recall code scheduled. The appointment time units allocated to the provider on the scheduler template are included.
Hyg Hours Unused—Total Hyg Hrs Avail minus Hyg Hours Sched.
Appts Scheduled—Sum of all recall appointments scheduled on the daybook. Recall appointments include hygiene or recall code procedures. Explosion codes are expanded and searched for recall codes.
Scheduled $—Total dollar amount of recall codes scheduled on the daybook.
Patients Expected—Count of all patients due back, based on the last exam date and the recall interval. This field uses the hygienist specified in the patient record.
Estimated Hours Needed—Sum of time units from the patients' recall settings for the number of Patients Expected for each month.
Estimated Income—Estimated income if all Patients Expected for recall are actually seen. The total ONLY includes hygiene codes (as indicated in the Transaction Codes window).