Select an option:
To edit a contact for a patient record:In the Patient List window, select the patient.
To edit a contact for an insurance plan record:In the Insurance Plan List window, select the plan.
To edit a contact for a referring doctor record:In the REFERRING DR List window, select the doctor.
To edit a contact for a provider record:In the Provider List window, select the provider.
To edit a contact for an employer record:In the Employer List window, select the employer.
To edit a contact for an insurance company record:In the Insurance Company List window, select the company.
To edit a contact for a school record:In the School List window, select the school.
To edit a contact for a laboratory record:In the Labs List window, select the laboratory.
To edit a contact for a pharmacy record:In the Pharmacy List window, select the pharmacy.
To edit a contact for an account record:In the Account List window, select the account.
To edit a contact for a claim record:In the Claim List window, select the claim.
To edit a contact for a completed claim record:In the Completed Claim List window, select the claim.