The commands available from the Options section of the Express bar or Options menu when using the Enhanced Workspace are:
Treatment Plan:Treatment Plan:Displays the patient Treatment Plan window. Use this command to view treatment plan procedures that have been entered for the patient.
Contacts:Contacts:Displays the patient Contacts for window. Use this command to view a list of contacts logged for the patient. You can also create reminder memos in this window.
Edit Appt:Edit Appt:Displays the Appointment Card window. Use this command to edit the patient appointment information.
Complete:Complete:Toggles the appointment status to or from complete.
Follow-Up:Follow-Up:Displays the Electronic Router: Follow up window. Use this command to set the criteria for the patient's next appointment.
Set Call Back:Set Call Back:Displays the Set Patient Call Back window. Use this command to select the procedures to include in the End of Day Call Backs report. The report generates a list of appointments that are flagged for a follow-up call at the end of the day.
Next Appointment:Next Appointment:Displays the Appointment Card window. Use this command to view the patient's next appointment. If the patient does not have a scheduled appointment, this command is disabled.
Chart:Chart:Displays the charting module. If the patient has a chart, the charting information is displayed. If the patient does not have a chart, a blank chart is displayed.
Guarantors:Guarantors:Displays the Guarantors/Insurance window. Use this command to view and edit patient guarantor information.
Referrals:Referrals:Displays the Referred Patients window. Use this command to view information for all patients referred to you by a patient.
Financial Info:Financial Info:Displays the patient Balance Information window. Use this command to view the patient's balance information.
Lab Cases:Lab Cases:Displays the Lab Case window. Use this command to view a list of lab cases associated with the patient.
History:History:Displays the patient's history file in your word processor. Use this command to enter extensive notes about the patient.
Other Programs:Other Programs:Displays the Program window. Use this command to launch other programs from within the software.
View Patient:View Patient:Displays the Patient Information window. Use this command to access patient demographic, treatment, and payment information.